Free Online Mechanical Engineering Courses (Part-1)

With the introduction of revolutionary MOOCs (Massive open online courses), access to free world class education has become very easy. People can learn from world class professors while sitting at home anywhere on the planet.
While MOOCs offers multitude to courses on different topics, in this blog I will be focussing on courses related to Mechanical engineering available on Edx.

1.       Aerodynamics
Fluid dynamic concepts, fundamental principles of aerodynamic analysis and aircraft design in this MIT Engineering XSeries Program.
2.       Introduction to aerodynamics
Basic fluid dynamic concepts behind aircraft analysis and design.
3.       Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics
Concepts, theories, models, and methods used in the aerodynamic analysis and design of modern aircraft.
4.       Introduction to Aeronautical engineering
Fascinating world of aviation by investigating aeronautics, aerodynamics and flight mechanics.
TU Delft
5.       The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges
Bridge design and discover how structural engineering is a creative discipline and art form
Princeton University
6.       Space Mission Design and Operations
Concepts used in the design of space missions, manned or unmanned and operations, based on the professional experience of the lecturer.
EPFL Switzerland
7.       Engineering: Building with Nature
Using ecological and engineering design principles to develop more effective and sustainable hydraulic infrastructure.
TU Delft
8.       Autonomous Mobile Robots
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots – basic concepts and algorithms for locomotion, perception, and intelligent navigation.
ETH Zurich
9.       Thermodynamics
Introduction to basic concepts and applications of thermodynamics in mechanical engineering.
IIT Bombay
10.   Introduction to Steel
Explore the science, history, industrial and cultural significance of steel.
Tenaris Univeristy
11.   Dynamics
Intro course on the dynamics of mechanical systems: geometry of motion, forces causing motion, and predicting dynamic behavior with computational methods.
12.   Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis and Applications
Basics of Finite Element Method (FEM), a numerical solution for structural analysis, and demonstrate its applications with MATLB and ANSYS.
Tsinghua University
13.   Underactuated Robotics
Algorithms for Walking, Running, Swimming, Flying, and Manipulation
14.   Solar Energy
Discover the power of solar energy and learn how to design a complete photovoltaic system.
TU Delft
15.   The Engineering of Structures Around Us
Explore how engineers design bridges and buildings in our communities and iconic structures around the world.
16.   Dynamics and Control
This is an interactive course about the basic concepts of Systems, Control and their impact in all the human activities.
Polytechnic university De Valencia
17.   The Fascinating World of Robots and Robotics
This course will cover robots and robotics in a way that will provide students with an appreciation of the charming and fascinating world of the robot.
Peking University
18.   Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight
Spaceflight is exciting, and you don’t have to be a “Rocket Scientist” to share in the excitement! 16.00x makes the basics of spaceflight accessible to everyone.
19.   Energy ─ The Technology You Must Know in the 21st Century
A comprehensive introduction to existing and emerging energy technologies and their applications. (Taught in Mandarin)
Open Education Consortium
20.   Robot Mechanics and Control, Part I
A mathematical introduction to the mechanics and control of robots.
Seoul National University
21.   Mechanics ReView
Mechanics ReView is an MIT-level introductory mechanics class emphasizing a strategic problem-solving approach.  It covers the same syllabus topics as the Advanced Placement Mechanics-C course.
22.   Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 1: Linear Elastic Behavior
Explore materials from the atomic to the continuum level, and apply your learning to mechanics and engineering problems.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 2: Stress Transformations, Beams, Columns, and Cellular Solids
Explore materials from the atomic to the continuum level, and apply your learning to mechanics and engineering problems.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 3: Time Dependent Behavior and Failure
Explore materials from the atomic to the continuum level, and apply your learning to mechanics and engineering problems.

All of the courses are free of cost. A fee ($49~$99) is charged for a verified certificate in the course, containing instructor sign and institution's logo.

Stay tuned we for the second part of Free Online Mechanical Engineering Courses.
